Common Patterns

Building a Multi-Sheet Workbook


Referencing Another Sheet in the Same Workbook


Build Systems

Other than being a compiler csv++ does not ship with any kinds of build systems or package management. The simplest approach is to use a Makefile to build your spreadsheets. Here is one that will build all .csvpp files in the current directory into CSV and Excel files:

srcs := $(wildcard *.csvpp)
xlsx_files := $(srcs:%.csvpp=%.xlsx)
csv_files := $(srcs:%.csvpp=%.csv)

all: $(xlsx_files) $(csv_files)

%.xlsx: %.csvpp
	csvpp $(CSVPPFLAGS) -o $@ $^

%.csv: %.csvpp
	csvpp $(CSVPPFLAGS) -o $@ $^

	rm -f *.csv *.csvpo *.xlsx

.PHONY: all clean

You can see more examples in the csv++ examples repo.