Coding Conventions

While you're free to use whatever coding conventions make sense for you and your existing spreadsheets, these recommendations provide a good starting point.

Variables and Functions

Variables and functions should be lowercase and contain only letters, numbers and underscores (\_).


foo := 1
foo_bar := "value"

fn my_long_descriptive_function(a)
  a * foo


FOO := 1            # not preferred, but this will compile
foo-bar := "value"  # this will not compile!

# we prefer snake_case over camelCase but this will compile
fn myLongDescriptiveFunction(a)
  a * foo

Module Names

Similar to variables & functions, module names should only contain letters, numbers and underscores and can be joined with a / if it resides in a sub-module.


Indenting with 2 spaces is preferred.